
Educational Toys Planet Summer Fun Giveaway‏

summer fun giveaway

With Summer just around the corner, bright ideas are only getting brighter and finding fun is only getting easier. We can see it in our young ones eyes on each nice day – the anticipation to get outside and play with their favorite friends and their favorite toys. Educational Toys Planet is geared up for the soon approaching Summer season and the inspirational, warm energy that comes with it. So let them provide you and your young ones with a great selection of educational toys for some Summer Fun!

Take advantage of warmer temperatures and longer days the smart way with any of their products in the Outdoor Exploration section. From under the sea to the world around us to the sky above, the Outdoor Exploration section consists of many great educational toys that will provide valuable lessons for your child during their time spent outside. Dress them up in the Backyard Safari Role Play Costume and turn your own yard into an exciting safari of discovery and exploration. This costume can be paired perfectly with many other outdoor products such as Animal Tracking Science Kit, where young inquisitive mines can stay hot on the trail of their favorite tracks!

Outdoors activities and exercise also go hand in hand during the Summer months. Check out Educational Toys Planet’s category for Ride-on Toys and find the coolest ways for your little one to get around including sand digging cranes, scooters, tricycles and bouncers. Also be sure to stop by the Sand and Water section for the best of castle building toys for kids. 

This time of year is definitely exciting for Educational Toys Planet as new products roll in daily. It is always nice to see new, quality toys excite audiences. You can find these items in their New Arrivals section at great low prices. Educational Toys Planet strives to provide you with quality and valuable educational products that encourage young minds!

Educational Toys Planet is providing on lucky reader with a Gift eCard to make your shopping experience a little more fun. So start your Summer off with some savings and enter to win a $100 Gift eCard towards your next purchase!

Sponsored by EducationalToysPlanet.com

Organized by Giveaway Booster
Giveaway ends  June 27th, 2014. Open to US Only. Enter below! Good Luck! 

29 thoughts on “Educational Toys Planet Summer Fun Giveaway‏

  1. I’d buy the Mega Play Tent and the Take Along Tool Kit Wooden Toy Tools Set and the Hug a Planet.

  2. I would definitely get the alphabet floor my mat for my newly mobile son, and let my daughter choose a toy as a special treat!

  3. jungle wooden peg puzzle,Kubix Geometrix Wooden Building Blocks 50 pcs Set
    thanks @tisonlyme143

  4. I would order the busy town wooden activity cube. my son loves these! Every time we go to the doctor I can’t get him away from it. I have always wanted to get him one just never had the money. This would be so awesome since his first bday is coming up!

  5. One of the things I would probably get with $100 would be the Live Butterfly Habitat. I’ve been wanting to do something like that with my kids.

  6. the sculpture game for kids is what i would choose. i can imagine my daughter playing this for hours! thanks for the giveaway. i really hope i win!

  7. Ollie the Octopus Baby Musical Toy would be a definite since we are doing a coral reef themed nursery for our baby girl due in October.

  8. I would probably get the Busy Town Wooden Activity Cube, because I know this is something that both of my children would really enjoy. This really is an awesome website, there are SO many amazing educational toys! 🙂

  9. Teddy the teaching clock, my crafty kit, and The Magic School Bus Human body science kit. So many great toys!

  10. I would love to get the Kids Deluxe Crime Scene Detective Lab and the Carnivorous Creations Dome Terrarium Plant Kit for my children if I won the gift card!

  11. My granddaughter is always catching bugs, moths, butterflies, you name it she tries to catch it yuuukkky, so once in a while i open her little jewelry box and she’ll stash a moth in there, so i figure she would love the Giant Butterfly Garden Live Butterfly Habitat

  12. If I won I would probably choose the Dizzy Fun Land Motorized Gears Building Toy and an assortment of wooden puzzles.

  13. The Rocks Geology Science Kit because my 6 year old is a Rockologist. He’s got a growing rock collection that’s about to take over a whole drawer in my living room plus his desk in his room.

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