
The Easiest Ways to Keep your Home Pest Free This Winter

We’re entering the winter months, which means we can expect the number of insects and pests in our homes to increase. With cold weather comes wet conditions, which is a perfect breeding environment for many pests. It’s no surprise then that it’s one of the most challenging times of year to keep your home pest-free. This is why keeping your home pest-free all year round is essential to prevent an infestation from spreading throughout your home if you don’t already have a pest problem. Here are some great ways to keep your home pest-free this winter so that you don’t have any issues come spring!

Combine regular cleaning with dry dusting

Regularly dusting your home and cleaning will prevent the build-up of unwanted pests and keep your home clean and smelling great. Periodically dusting your home will help prevent the build-up of dust and allergens, which can cause irritation and allergies inside your home. It’s also essential to clean any areas that may collect dust, such as corners, baseboards, and any other areas where dust may accumulate. Regularly dusting your home can also help prevent the build-up of spider webs and cobwebs and collect any dead insects or debris, which can be a good way to avoid a pest infestation.

Use an automatic Programmable Evaporative Air Cooler

Regularly checking the air inside your home for pests can help prevent an infestation. Many pests like warm and humid conditions, so you should use an evaporative air cooler to cool down your home. Evaporative air coolers use a fan to blow air through a water tank, which then turns into a water mist, cooling your home effectively without using energy. This is a great way to keep your home at a comfortable temperature throughout the year and prevent the growth of pests, especially if you suffer from conditions such as asthma or allergies.

Moth traps and lure

If you don’t have access to pest control, then you should consider setting some of your own traps. Moth traps and lures are great for catching and killing moths inside your home. Many types of moths are attracted to light, which is why you can use traps and lures to trap and kill these pests. Moth traps are usually paper-based and have a pheromone that moths are attracted to. These traps can be set anywhere inside your home. Moth traps are effective at killing moths but can also be dangerous and should be handled with care. Moth traps should be disposed of safely to avoid contaminating your hands with pesticides, as you’d also be managing living pests. Lures are usually liquid-based, and they’re used to attract and trap moths inside a container such as a jar or a bottle.

Keep your home warm and dry

Preventing mold growth inside your home can help prevent the build-up of pests inside your home. Mold is a fungus that can grow in damp and low-humidity conditions, which is why you should keep your home warm and dry to prevent this from happening. To keep your home warm and dry, you can use heaters inside your home or invest in a dehumidifier. Heaters should be used carefully and turned off when not in use to avoid overheating your home and causing a fire hazard. A dehumidifier should be used regularly throughout the winter months to prevent the build-up of mold in your home.

Use candles and scented oils in your home

Using candles and scented oils in your home can help prevent the growth of pests inside your home. Using candles can help to keep your home warm and prevent the growth of pests. Scented oils can be used in rooms such as the bedrooms and bathrooms to keep these areas smelling fresh. You can also place candles inside drawers, cupboards, and other areas that may collect dust, as well as around windows and doors to prevent pests from entering your home.

2 thoughts on “The Easiest Ways to Keep your Home Pest Free This Winter

  1. Thanks for creating such helpful content! In addition to what you mentioned, it’s also important to check ductwork regularly. It should be clean and properly sealed. Dirty and poorly-sealed air ducts are a favorable environment for pests and especially rodents. Rodents can use air ducts to find their way to the “tasty” wires of your HVAC system, posing a fire hazard in your home. We also know that rodent urine and droppings carry hantaviruse.

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