Baby Products, Reviews, Toy Reviews

Snuggle Stars TM Constellation Night Light Review

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Product Description

Little ones will actually look forward to bedtime when this plush animal friend that doubles as a fun nightlight is waiting for them!

Its soft fur is comfortingly cuddly and the projection of colorful stars keeps the scary darkness away.

Turns the Ceiling into a Night Sky

Simply press the critter’s plastic shell and it becomes a projector, creating a constellation of stars that soothes fears of the dark as your child drifts into dreamland.

4 Options for Star Colors

Choose a different color every night: blue, green, amber, or a continuous loop of all 3 colors changing from one to the next every 8 seconds.

It’s great for playtime as well as bedtime!

My Review



My daughter has used a night light at bedtime for as long as I can remember. We have gone through at least a dozen different ones that she didn’t like, so we eventually settled with using her closet light. I was very excited to try out the Snuggle Stars and see if this would be a good replacement to using her closet light. We immediately brought it up to her room when it came in the mail. I had doubts about how effective it would be, but it has exceeded my expectations. The vibrant lights that protrude from the bears back displays a beautiful collection of stars on the ceiling. The Snuggle stars provides the perfect amount of light for bedtime, while many night lights are far too bright. My daughter was ecstatic and couldn’t wait until it was bedtime so she could officially test it out. I am happy to report that my daughter now uses the Snuggle Stars every night at bedtime and is in love with it. Not only does she have a nigh light that makes her feel safe and comfortable in her room, but she also has a little bear to snuggle with. Some of her favorite features of the Snuggle Stars is that it has a continuous loop options that allows the color of the stars to change throughout the night. We are very impressed with this product and I would absolutely recommend it to all my fans!

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You can purchase this adorable night light on Amazon today at a very inexpensive price!!!




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