Reviews, Subscription Box Reviews

Pijon Subscription Box Review

A special thanks to Pijon for providing the Miss Frugal Mommy blog with a product for free in exchange for an honest review!

Pijon Subscription Box Review

What is Pijon?

“A curated monthly care package college students love!”

Products Featured in This Months Pijon Box:

Pan De Oro Organic Tortilla Chips: Let’s face it, we all LOVE the fact that right after a workout, our bodies are in their best mode to process food. A little snack after workout provides the perfect reward for your effort. And this bag is big enough to share with friends!

Plump for Joy Thickening Hair Lifter from Not Your Mother: Ensure your locks look their best in a sprint, or after cool-down. Once you’re done buzzing around in a pre-spring high, you’ll want to rejoin your buds looking your glowy best. Show off your coif, smile your beautiful smile, and your friends will wonder what your secret is.

Energems Mint Chocolate, Peanut Butter Chocolate Energy Candies: Unless you’re a cyborg, you crave energy in the form of food. These snacky little treats combine chocolate, B-vitamins and caffeine to kick your limbs into gear.

TOCCS Panorama Earbuds: There’s no better way to get your heart rate up than by blasting beats and trying to just keep up. These sweet-sounding earbuds will fill your noggin with rumble to keep you flowin’ and movin’.

The Workout Wonder Drink: Did you know that tea is not only great for hydration (important when you’re being active), but it also contains the same health benefits as a serving of veggies to ward off chronic health issues? With a new appreciation for tea in our workout we’re brewing up a light, delicious, healthful cup right now!

Pijon Subscription Box Review

My Review

Pijon is a must have subscription box service for college students everywhere! Each month you will receive a box full of items that will help make your busy life a little bit easier. This is also a fantastic way to discover new items that you have not heard of and if you absolutely love them, you can simply buy more at the Pijon store. You even have the option of choosing to receive a male, female, or gender-neutral box in the mail. I was pleasantly surprised by the size of my Pijon box when it came in the mail, it was much larger than I had expected. Upon opening it I first noticed the full size bag of delicious tortilla chips. Yes, you read that right, a full size bag! Typically subscription boxes are full of sample size products, but that was not the cases here. There was also a full size hair care product, two boxes of energems, and three tea samples. As if the box of goodies wasn’t enough, there was also a nice pair of earbuds included. I must say that this subscription box service is well worth the cost, as they are sending you full size items that will most definitely last you the month… well except for the delicious tortilla chips, those lasted five minutes here! If  you are a parent of a college student, this would make a really great monthly gift for them. Overall I am very satisfied with the Pijon subscription box and highly recommend it, I know you won’t be disappointed.

Pijon Subscription Box Review 

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