
Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Stuffed Medjool Dates

Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Stuffed Medjool Dates

I don’t know about you… but as a parent I feel like I have hit the jackpot when I manage to create a superfood that my kids will actually eat! I am not afraid to admit that dates aren’t on the top of the list for my favorite foods, despite the many health benefits. Just a few of the benefits of dates include relief from constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and many other conditions. Dates are also very rich in several vitamins, minerals and fiber. These delicious fruits contain oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium which are all beneficial for our health. In attempt to create recipe that would make them more enjoyable, I managed to create a snack that my entire family loves!

Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Stuffed Medjool Dates

If you have been a fan of my blog for awhile now then you know how much I love a simple recipe, I am a very inpatient person and that follows me in the kitchen. So believe my when I say… this recipe is SO EASY! The first step for this recipe is to pit your dates and then fill them with peanut butter. For this recipe we actually used almond butter, but you are welcome to use any kind that you believe your family will enjoy most. Then place the dates in the freezer for about ten minutes.

Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Stuffed Medjool Dates

You will then want to melt some chocolate and almond milk on the stove. Once melted and mixed, allow the mixture to cool and slightly harden. The next few steps are pretty simple… take the dates out of the freezer, dip them, top them with your favorite super food (we picks chia seeds) and then let them harden. For my anxious children’s sake, we put ours in the freezer to speed up the hardening process.

Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Stuffed Medjool Dates

The final step? ENJOY! This is such a guilt free desert that is packed full of health benefits and a prefect way to satisfy your sweet tooth. It is also a great way to get the kids to eat something that they many not have otherwise chosen to eat (AKA dates.) Hope you enjoyed this recipe, let me know if you created it and if so, what you thought!

Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Stuffed Medjool Dates

Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Stuffed Medjool Dates
Yields 8
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Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 8 Medjool dates, pitted
  2. 1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips
  3. 1 tbsp almond milk
  4. 1/4 -1/3 cup butter, softened to room temperature
  5. Chia seeds, for topping
  1. Pit dates.
  2. Fill dates with butter, press closed with fingers. Place dates in the freezer to chill for 10 minutes (this will help them be coated in the chocolate more easily.)
  3. Melt chocolate chips and almond milk on the stove top until soft, stirring briskly until silky smooth. Make sure chocolate cools a bit before dipping.
  4. Dip chilled dates in the melted chocolate. Coat well. Lift date out of chocolate with fork and place on a parchent paper lined plate.
  5. Top dates with chia seeds
  6. Place finished dates in the freezer until firm enough to handle and eat. Store leftover in the fridge
Miss Frugal Mommy
Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Stuffed Medjool Dates

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