Reviews Prepaid Debit Card Review‏

  A special thanks to for providing me with a one of their prepaid debit cards to review on my blog! I was given cash on the card for reviewing purposes, all opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own!

CARD is the prepaid debit card that’s fun to use

  • NO Credit Check
  • Use everywhere Visa® or MasterCard® is accepted
    NO check cashing fees
  • NO overdraft fees or late fees
  • Access to ATMs worldwide

How it Works:

  1.  Sign Up. Choose from hundreds of fun and fashionable cards.
  2.  Save Securely. Set up direct deposit, load with cash at Western Union, or transfer from PayPal or your bank account. Questions? Consultations are always free, or you can view frequently asked questions or learn about our fair and transparent fees.
  3.  Spend And Show Off. Stand out and get noticed with the coolest prepaid card on the planet. Shop everywhere Visa Debit is accepted, and enjoy the convenience of 24×7 cash access at ATMs worldwide; Your card is safe and secure, with Visa Zero Liability Protection and 100% FDIC insurance. The only thing you’ll have to worry about is how to have more fun.

My Thoughts:

CARD prepaid debit card is the solution to so many problems! Do you have a child entering college that isn’t quite ready to balance a check book or have a credit card? This would be a perfect way to insure that you send them money without the worry of overdraft fees or maxing out a credit card! Are you personally having to pay the ridiculous overdraft fees your bank charges? This is the card for you! CARD is very similar to having a gift card, so you will only be able to spend the amount you have on the card… therefore eliminating the possibility of over drafting an account! There are so many options with card, including being able to link it to direct deposit or your PayPal account. The monthly fee of $5.95 is waived if you load at least $800 in 30 days. So if you have your direct deposit set up, this shouldn’t be a problem at all and in all honestly… $5.95 is way cheaper than those over draft fees! My personal experience with this card has been very positive. I went school shopping with my daughter for the day and used it at multiple stores and received so many compliments on the design of my card. In addition to that, it was simple to swipe at the register and went through just like a credit card. This truly is a really great card to have and there are no hidden fees of any sort. The FAQs page has an abundance of information to cover all questions you may have and there is really a lot they do to help you out. I would highly recommend this prepaid debit card!

You can also follow CARD on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!



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