
8 Rules To Be More Efficient in Your House Cleaning

While everybody hates to clean their property, we always stand back and admire our handiwork as soon as we are done. But cleaning is one of those things that, when done right, can prolong the state of affairs on your property. It’s important to clean with a very specific structure. So here are a few things to remember if you want to be efficient in your cleaning.

What’s the Bare Minimum That Gives You Peace of Mind?

When you see a surface go from dirty to clean immediately, you always feel better. Rather than thinking that you need to clean the house from top to bottom, think about the bare minimum tasks that you can do in every room in the house in one go. Some people feel they are constantly trapped in a cleaning cycle, so choose one task that is the priority, whether it’s mopping, vacuuming, or dusting and do that in every room in the house first.

Gather Your Tools Together

Ensuring that everything is in one place is going to make everything easier on you. You don’t want to waste time looking for things while you clean. There will be tools that require a bit of extra effort, for example, if you are cleaning the exterior of the property, a home pressure washing system is actually going to be a bulkier tool, but the vast majority of tools benefit from a caddy. Look at professional office cleaners: they’ve all got everything in one place so it’s a far more efficient operation! Gather everything together before you start.

Declutter the Space First

Decluttering is the most important tool to ensure that a space is as clean as possible. This can take almost two-thirds off your cleaning time if you do it right. But it is not something you should do just before you start, it is something you need to get into the habit of doing, and this means that you and the children need to get into the habit of decluttering as you go.

Dust Before You Vacuum 

If you were to vacuum before you dusted, you are putting the dust back onto the floor which is doubling your workload. You need to dust before you do anything else. Getting everything onto the floor means that you are only going to run the vacuum around once. When you’re dusting, focus on the tops of furniture, handrails, and TV screens. For any hard-to-reach areas, you could use a microfiber cloth and attach it to the end of a broom. When you are dusting before you vacuum, it will make life easier, but remember, when you’re dusting spaces like the bedroom change all the sheets first, as will minimize the potential for any allergens.

Use Natural Products Where Possible

If you’re trying to minimize allergens at home, natural products like lemon and baking soda should be a staple part of your cleaning arsenal. You can use baking soda to break down grease, to spruce up the shower, and it works wonders with vinegar to get rid of any form of mold or grime.

Sweeping the Place Before You Mop

When we get into the habit of sweeping, it makes life a lot easier. You need to sweep the places with more foot traffic, which are usually the kitchen and the bathroom. When you start mopping, you’ve got to begin from the farthest corner of the room and move back towards the door. It’s also vital to remember how often to rinse the mop out, and a general rule of thumb is every time you finish an area measuring 4 by 4 feet.

Spray the Cleaning Spray and Wait

One of the best cleaning hacks out there is to put cleaning spray on every surface but not wipe them straight away. This is very important with large surfaces, such as the bathtub. When you are cleaning the sinks and the showers, spray the cleaning spray and go to another room, so this gives it time to get to work. When you return 20 to 30 minutes later, all you need to do is wipe them down.

Keep Moving When You Are Vacuuming

You might think about getting into every single corner when you vacuum, but the reality is that you just need to keep moving and think about the places that people use the most. Ensuring that you tackle the cleaning like a pro is about getting a system in place. Some of these things will make you far more efficient in your cleaning so you don’t have to spend the entire day focusing on it.

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