
5 Common lawsuits in the US

 5 Common lawsuits in the US

A lawsuit is a claim that is filed in a court when you have been harmed by an individual or an organization. Filing a lawsuit gives you a chance to prove that the other party has caused you harm and you should be compensated for the loss you have sustained.

A lot of cases involving accidents, assaults, wrong conduct is observed in the US on an everyday basis. According to reports, 48% plaintiff (person who files a lawsuit) wins the case and 84% of them receive compensation for the losses they have born.

Without much ado, let’s see 5 common lawsuits in the US:

Harassment Related Lawsuits

It is of great importance that your workplace is safe from every sort of bad behavior and harassment. Harassment is considered to be an offense and is punishable in the court. A lot of harassment lawsuits are filed in the US. Harassment lawsuits may be due to a hostile work environment, racial jokes or sexual doings. Out of many lawsuits filed in the US, a great number of lawsuits are filed on managers and CEO’s because they failed to take an action regarding the misconduct being practiced in their company.

Wrongful Termination Lawsuits

Some employees file lawsuits against their former bosses because of being wrongfully terminated. Employees who are terminated without a cause have the right to file a lawsuit so that the court can look into the matter. A good amount of such lawsuits are filed by people over 50 and have stated that they were fired solely on the basis of their age.

If you think the company failed to provide a justified reason for kicking you out, you have the option to go to the court.

Testosterone Injection Lawsuit

Many companies and doctors claim to balance the “T” levels in men by injecting them with testosterone material. Testosterone levels are responsible for keeping a man in the sexual game. However, T levels tend to lose as a person ages, therefore, certain medications or procedures are there to improve testosterone production.

Unfortunately, such processes may sometime cause health risks such as heart attacks or strokes. This is when a testosterone injection lawsuit can be filed against the doctor or the person who prescribed the medication and the procedure.

Auto Accident Related Lawsuits

Road accidents are common in the US. According to reports, two million people get injured in a road accident every year, and the number seems to be surprisingly increasing on an everyday basis.

Some of these cases are serious while some involve no major injuries. Nonetheless, the aggrieved party has the right to claim compensation with the help of a skilled attorney.

The court gives the final judgment after listening to both the parties and gives a final decision.

Wage Related Lawsuits

Each state in the US has wage laws that determine how many hours can a worker work, how much pay is to be given to the person etc. A lawsuit can be filed on both the employer and the employee who fails to follow the wage laws. The employer may employ someone who is not allowed to work (for example a foreign student who doesn’t have a work permit) and pays him below the average wage to gain maximum work from him or who is involved in child labor etc.

Similarly, a person who is working against the wage laws of the state and is not paying up taxes may face a lawsuit. If you are facing any such legal issues, your best bet is to turn to a lawyer. However, make sure to pick a qualified attorney so that your chances of winning the case increase.

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